Category: Windows 10

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How to remove OneDrive from File Explorer To be clear, this method will not uninstall or disable OneDrive, but just remove the drive from the list of drives shown in File Explorer. OneDrive can be uninstalled by scrolling through applications found under the Settings | Apps & Features configuration screens. Type “regedit” into the Windows…
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External drives quite often have permission rights set by the original owner of the drive. These commands will show you how to take ownership of the drive and then you are able to transfer the files. In windows 10 bring up your Powershell in Admin mode. Type the following command. (E being whatever your drive…
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Enable Admin Share Using The Registry

Enable admin share using the registry From the computer you’d like to enable the admin share, click Start or Cortana and immediately type “cmd“. From the list of results, right-click Command Prompt and select Run as administrator. Copy and paste the following command into the Command Prompt window and hit enter. REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\system /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d…
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KMS Client Setup Keys

Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2 Computers that are running volume licensing editions of Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008 are, by default, KMS clients with no additional configuration needed. To use the keys listed here (which…
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Create a Raid Setup in Windows 10

Ever wanted to create a redundant system from 2 hard drives the exact way a Raid controller does? You can do it in Windows 10. You can create a virtual disk using as many physical drives as you want. Here is how.   Add or connect the drives that you want to group together with…
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